
9 June 2022

LECTURE | Urban Air Mobility + Smart City Design Solutions by Giancarlo Zema
Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera | Milan | Italy

With the architect Giancarlo Zema, we will immerse ourselves in his smart and eco-sustainable architectures for the air mobility of the future. An exciting vision of projects and collaborations underway at an international level as a response to the ever-growing sector of drones for UAM (Urban Air Mobility) for the transport of passengers, goods and road safety. We will then be accompanied in the Smart Cities of the future, through his works for Smart Road and Green Island for the Italian motorway network, with specific architectures and design products for the interconnected cities of the future to better visualize and understand the trends we will experience in the coming years. With Paulownia Piemonte, we will discover the secrets of the tree of the future capable of absorbing more CO2 than ordinary trees and useful for creating eco-sustainable wooden architectures. (Photo Credits: Egidio Fichera, Ilaria Maiorino, Noemi Pagani)