Smart Poles for Smart RoadsDate: 2021
Location: Udine (Italy)
Project: Giancarlo Zema Design Group
Client: SmartKO
Consultants: Calzavara
Status: Ongoing
Among the various smart city key objects that SmartKO company provides, the smart poles are designed to combine in a single installation different applications for roads and for city. RoadKO is designed by Giancarlo Zema to be solar-powered and accommodate all the most important communication technologies of the Smart Road without compromising aesthetics: Antennae (5G or Wi-Fi in Motion) and equipment, Videosurveillance camera, Sensors. StreetKO replaces the classic old-style street light, integrating a wide range of equipment for the Smart City without compromising aesthetics: Antennae (5G or Wi-Fi in Motion) and equipment Videosurveillance camera, Sensors, Banners or LED.
Connectivity – The Smart Pole is a neutral host piece of urban infrastructure, hosting antennas within the structure and enabling the discrete implementation of the infrastructure for connectivity, whether 5G, Wi-Fi in motion (DSCR) or other, including a IoT gateways or public access point to allow people to connect to the Internet.
Banners – The Smart Pole can host banners for a range of outdoor messaging needs to promote local events, festivals and exhibitions, with eye-catching creative used to enhance the public space.
Stree Light – Smart Pole supports lamps for different light distribution characteristics and different lighting situations. Street lighting improves safety for drivers, riders, and pedestrians and can be used to create visual spaces that benefit communities and boost tourism.
Video Surveillance – The Smart Pole accommodates outdoor-ready CCTV services with HDTV 1080p for wide area coverage and detailed surveillance at a distance.
Climate Monitoring – Climate factors have a major impact on the health and wellbeing of communities. By measuring temperature, humidity and pressure in the public space, authorities can proactively encourage positive outcomes. The Smart Pole accommodates a weather station designed to accurately monitor and analyse climate data, including wind speeds and the volume of rainfall.
Air Quality Monitoring – Tiny particles from exhaust fumes, car traffic and pollen all pose
a risk to people as they navigate public spaces. Poor air quality can contribute to respiratory and coronary diseases. As such, measuring the Air Quality Index is an essential function of every Smart City.
Led Screen – The Smart Pole is designed to carry a range of outdoor visual displays, including a 48 inch and 72 inch screen. Visual display monitors are now a staple in Smart Cities, and provide an onthe-go resource for the public to access information and stay connected. They have a role not only in reshaping a city’s visual landscape, but also in reshaping the relationships between people and their community.
Digital Signage – Uses for visual display screen include: weather updates, public transport schedules, live wayfinding, city service information, local community information and emergency notifications.